CLICK HERE to see some snapshots of our precious boy!
CLICK HERE to see some snapshots of our precious boy!
Here’s how it all happened - Rebekah had a doctor’s appointment in the morning on Monday and was sent to the hospital from there. She was induced at 5:00 p.m. and 5 hours later, Greyson arrived! Here’s the part that no pregnant woman would ever want to hear…the epidural did NOT work at all! She endured the whole laboring process feeling every bit of pain (which was absolute torture) but did an amazing job bringing our precious bundle of joy into the world! I couldn’t be more proud of her!
We had a great day and a half at the hospital and now we are home with our newest edition to our family. He is so very sweet, calm, and rarely cries unless we’re changing a diaper. He’s eating great and dirtying diapers like no other (that’s a big deal, ya know?). He’s very content and is not fazed by big brother at all. In fact, Greyson perks up when he hears Hudson’s voice. Speaking of which, Hudson is adjusting GREAT! We were unsure about how he would handle this huge transition and have been so impressed by how good he’s been with all the juggling over the past days and now having another baby in our home. He is very entertained by having a little brother so far and is especially “concerned” when Greyson cries or whimpers. Knowing Hudson’s sweet and loving personality, we just know he’ll continue to make this transition with ease!
Please check back in the upcoming weeks. We’ll definitely be sharing lots more photos and updates about Greyson and our growing family in the weeks to come! Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers and are confident they’ve made such a difference!