CLICK HERE to see some party pics and more!*
greyson was a month old this past week! can you believe it?!?! it's flown by so quickly! he is such a calm, even-tempered baby and is becoming very expressive. he's begun smiling at the sound of our voices. he loves going on walks and being outside with his big brother.
a lot of people have been asking where we have our professional pictures taken so we thought we'd pass the word along to you. it's called babyfaces (down by tjmaxx in belden village). the website is http://www.babyfacesstudio.com/. if you visit the website, you'll notice that greyson's picture is on the main webpage (by the 0-3 month sample photos)!!! we tell him he's famous already! :)to follow-up on hudson's eeg (read previous post)... the results came back and turned out to be completely normal (like we had expected they would be). we thank God that everything is fine and we know that He's always in complete control! thank you so much for your prayers!