Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


A week ago today, we welcomed a new niece into our family.  Her name is Elizabeth.  Isn't she precious!?!


Unfortunately, the boys were not allowed to go into the room to meet her so they had to wait outside.  They were totally bummed, but had fun in the waiting room with Mimi and Papa.  


As we were leaving the hospital, we took advantage of the beautiful courtyard outside and snapped a few pics of the boys.  


Monday, June 14, 2010

safety fest

about a week ago we attended a safety fest at clay's park resort.  it was great for the boys to see all the things they love...firetrucks, police cars, tractors, and helicopters!  they loved watching the helicopters fly in and land in the field and for the chance to hang out with uncle nick, who is a firemedic for one of the local crews represented there.  here are just a few pics from the event:


Thursday, June 10, 2010

silly bandz

okay, are anybody else's kids obsessed with these animal silly bandz bracelets!?!  they are pretty cool (if you've never seen them before).  hudson absolutely loves these things and doesn't go anywhere without them!  kinda fun! :-)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

take a ride

we had a really fun afternoon at an event at clay's park resort yesterday (more on that to come later!) and when we saw this old, piece of playground equipment, we had to jump right on and take a ride (and take a few pictures of it too!).  do you remember these things!? the boys loved spinning around and around.  they sure don't make playground equipment like this anymore... 


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

atwood lake

last weekend we made our first, of what will be many, trips down to atwood lake this season. mimi and papa have a wonderful trailer on a beautiful lakefront property along with a pontoon boat. needless to say, the kids LOVE going down and spending time there and this time was no different. they loved playing by the water, going on the boat, swimming in the lake and roasting hot dogs over the fire.

CLICK HERE to see a slideshow of all the pictures of our time at the lake!