Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Boy!
You are God's masterpiece!
Our birthday prayer for you...
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength." ~Deuteronomy 6:5

You will do GREAT things!
You are loved by the King!
One way to subtly add character to a photograph is by adding texture. I love to play around with this technique so I thought I’d share an example so you can decide for yourself, if texturing is something for you. Lets look at a picture I recently took of our oldest son.
Before (Original)
I love this picture just the way it is, but to spruce it up a little, I’ve added a subtle texture and altered the coloring a bit. It's just a slight change, yet it can make a big impact.
After (with Texture)
Adding an ever-so-slight texture can sometimes bring great depth and subtle flare to the photograph. Give it a try!