we did go on a little overnight trip a couple weeks ago to a cool park that andrew and i found when we were away. it's called preston's hope park and it's set up like a mini town. hudson loved going into all the different buildings and playing on anything else he could find. we spent over 3 hours just playing...greyson was content in the stroller the entire time just watching hudson play. we then went back to our hotel and went swimming. it was the first time hudson had been in a big pool and he loved it. greyson actually liked it too...i just pulled him around in a little ring and he was happy! our plan was to go to a beach near cleveland the next day but the weather didn't cooperate. it was still a fun trip and we learned a thing or two about staying at a hotel with little ones! :)
both boys seemed to grow so much over the summer. greyson is 5 months old now. he is such a happy baby...always smiling. he especially loves watching hudson play and giggles when hudson does anything silly. hudson does a really good job at entertaining him and greyson loves every second of it. hudson is really expanding his vocabulary, repeating almost everything we say now. we're constantly amazed at how great God is for entrusting us with these two awesome boys and we can't imagine life without them.
CLICK HERE to see pictures from the last few weeks.