greyson is officially 4 months old and growing like a champ! he weighs 15 lbs. and 14 ounces (exactly 1 lb. more than hudson did at the same age) and is 25 inches long. his new favorite things are looking in mirrors and grabbing his toes. as always, he's been wonderful and had his first overnight stay at grammie and papa's - in which he did perfectly! we got away for a couple days and went up to the cleveland area. although we absolutely adore our kids, it was so nice to get away, be together and relax. we did everything that we could in the shortest amount of time..it's easy to do that when you're not hauling around 2 children! we went up to cleveland, walked the entire city (tower city, rock hall, etc.), and ate at the hard rock cafe. then we drove down and stayed in our hotel in independence, had a nice dinner, worked out in the fitness center and relaxed. the next morning, we drove over to headlands state park (in mentor, ohio) and walked up and down the beach together, hopped back in the car and drove to legacy village. it was great!
today, we packed up a picnic lunch and went down to monument park. while greyson relaxed in the stroller, hudson loved walking all around, over bridges, and watching ducks and the waterfalls. we went up to the monument and he loved it. he loved it so much, he walked all the way down the steps on his own - and that's a lot of steps. needless to say, he's sleeping good tonight! :) well, that's it from the homefront for now. check back soon for more updates! CLICK HERE to see some new pics!
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