Monday, July 21, 2008

camp out!

over the weekend, we had a campout with hudson! he absolutely loved it! first, we set up the tent together in our living room and got our pillows and blankets situated. then we played with our flashights and read books, watched his favorite movie (Cars!) and ate s'mores. hudson and daddy slept on the floor together all night long. he had a blast and is still talking about it! the older he gets, the more fun he is! he's becoming such a sweet little boy with such a lovable personality! it's absolutely amazing and we are captivated by him, and God's glory everyday! CLICK HERE to see some of pictures of our camp out and more.
greyson still continues to be wonderful! he's getting so big and strong, it's hard to believe he'll be 4 months old this week. wow, time sure does fly! he is so smiley, expressive, vocal and loves to stand up all the time. he's especially loving the exersaucer right now! he is such an incredible blessing to our family. God is good! we are cherishing every moment because we know they only stay small for such a short amount of time...and in case you're wondering...YES, greyson will be our last baby (unless God has other plans we don't know about). hope you all are doing well. we'll catch up with you soon!

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