...yes, that means YOU! hey, we've been wanting to do this for a while now, and since this is officially our 100th POST on our blog (can you believe it?!), the time has finally come. so are you curious yet?? let us explain...
since the time we began our blog the purpose has always been to be a venue to regularly update our friends and family on our family, which originally began with the birth of hudson 3 1/2 years ago. since we have many friends and family members out of state, whom we love so dearly, this has been a great way to allow them to be part of our lives even though miles may separate us. in addition, it serves as a way of documenting our lives, because lets face it, the older you get the more you forget, right?!? and we don't want to forget anything about these precious years with our boys. you know, some people scrapbook, others journal in notebooks, and, well, we blog. it's been super cool to be able to look back at where we've been and what we've done over the years by reading older posts. you an always go back in time too if you browse through the blog archive (to the right and scroll down a bit). -->
unlike a lot of other blogs, we have no way of knowing how many people view/read our blog and sometimes we wonder if people are actually looking at it. the only way we really know is if you leave us a comment, which not many have in the past. and just so you know, if you make a comment, don't worry- it doesn't go straight on our blog page for the world to see, it comes to us first in an email, from there we can approve or hide it. so if you'd like to make a comment or be in touch with us, you can simply leave us a comment. if you'd rather it not be shared publicly, just mention that you 'do not wanted it posted publicly' and we'll certainly respect that.
so, to cut to the chase, sometimes it takes a lot of time to update our blog regularly and we want to know if updating is is really worth the time. so, since leaving a comment is the only way we know who is reading and since some of you are shy about commenting, how about this: if you regularly read our blog or even just check it every once in a awhile, leave a comment for us on this post and name the state in which you live- this can be done anonymously, too, if you'd like. simply click on the "comments" link underneath this post and follow the steps, it's really quite simple. after you write your comment, type the silly security code it states (if it asks), and then it's easiest to just click the button next to "anonymous" before you click "publish comment".
this will be fun, not only seeing how many readers we have, but to see where you all are reading from. oh, and you can view the comments too, but clicking on the link. okay, let's get going...don't be shy!!! :-)
look at me i am reading your blog--you know where i live
Mimi from Ohio checks the blog several times a week! Love those little guys and love the photo shoots!
Rebekah, I've never met you personally, or your family, but know about you through my parents who attend your parents' church, and also Tesha Beltz, I'm pretty close to her sister in law, Sarah Beltz. Anyways, get your feed to my google reader and love to see your photography and read about your life and your cute boys - who are about the same age as mine. So thanks for sharing! Maybe we'll meet someday :)
And congrats on selling the house.
Courtney Schnee
we live in Charlotte, NC, but are from Canton/Kent.
Grandma checks your blog all the time to see new pictures. Right now I am checking it from Myrtle Beach but I don't live there - you know where I live!!
hey snavely family! I check the blog a couple times a week to see if there are new pictures of your boys! I really enjoy being able to see what you're up to. when I was at school I showed all my friends how cute the boys are! I hope you decide to continue!
hey guys, i come here every once in a while to admire the pictures!
Sarah (lil and kims friend)
I check your blog often and it makes me feel more like a part of your daily lives. I so miss being close to my family so that I can be a bigger part of everything you do, so your blog helps. Being able to visit only once a year is just not enough. Maybe I can do more when I retire...whenever that might be possible! Also share your blog with Briana when she comes over. She loves seeing the boys and both of you too so please don't stop! Here in Alabama it is a great way to connect to those we love!
Just checked your blog for the first time in awhile and saw this post, so I figured I'd comment! Every so often when I get some spare time I try and check your blog to see how the boys are doing- and how you two are doing!- if I haven't seen you guys in awhile! Loooove the photography and updates! Looks like you guys are having a great summer:)
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