Many of you have known or heard of Rebekah's sister, Kim and her husband Josh and their remarkable testimony that has transpired over the last 5 months. It is a story of hope, faith, trust and incredible love. To make a very long story short, they came to discover (at 21 weeks) as they were expecting their first child that their baby had a chromosomal abnormality called Trisomy 18. This is typically a fatal syndrome. Over the next 5 months something amazing happened. In this unfortunate and unimaginable circumstance they found themselves placed in, they chose to rejoice in the life God had created through them. They chose to have unwavering faith and hope in Christ's good works. They found peace and comfort in the storm.
So, on October 15th, after carrying him 41 weeks and after 24 hours of labor, at 6:52 a.m. our sweet nephew, Calvin, was born still. We, along with the rest our immediate family, were blessed to meet Calvin and to spend time with him, even though it was little. We have been moved beyond words by this precious, God-breathed life, and have come to experience God's amazing glory through every circumstance.
In his honor, they have created a website to share their story and the story of their sweet Calvin. Please visit their site ( to learn more, read their personal testimony and to view the slideshow that was so beautifully put together of photographs taken on Calvin's birthday. It will leave you speechless. Please join us in lifting up Josh and Kim in prayer as they continue to seek refuge in God's amazing grace. They have been so rooted in Christ's love during this whole time, that you can't help but see Christ living in and through them. We'll leave you now with a beautiful verse that they've so eloquently quoted time and time again:
The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord. ~Job 1:21b
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