Saturday, January 24, 2009

ten months...

hi all!  can you believe greyson is 10 months old today!?!  watch the video below to see what he's up to now...

leave us a comment and tell us what you think! 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

tractor time...

(click on image to enlarge)

Friday, January 16, 2009


it's been quite some time since we've updated our family photos for you (other than christmas, that is).  we have tons of photos from december (before and after christmas) and january that we wanted to share with you.  CLICK HERE to see our updated slideshow.  

it's been awhile since we've given and update on the boys so here it is...they're still as precious as ever and keeping us busy!!  greyson will be 10 months next week.  he was at the doctor last week for his well baby check up and is 23 lbs and 29 inches long.  he still has such a sweet, lovable, laid-back personality and nothing really phases him.   he's certainly keeping up with his brother!  he loves all sorts of food (goldfish are his favorite) and doesn't let the fact that he only has two teeth stop him!  he loves to walk around...of course, with the help of his walker or anything that will move...but we have a feeling he will be walking soon.  he's very quick to get from one place to another and is literally into everything.  he's such a joy!  

hudson is such a great big brother (most of the time!) and it's fun to see the boys interacting more.  they are sharing and "playing" together now more than ever.  hudson still has a major love of music and grooves to any beat he hears...seriously...he's go some talent! :)  he loves to count, sing, and say "happy birthday" to mommy, daddy, and baby jesus.  we've had lots of birthdays in the past few weeks!  he's grown into such an amazing little boy and always brings so much joy to our home.  please continue to check back as we'll keep you posted on all the latest with our family. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

consumed more...

if you've read our previous blog post, you'll know that the inspirational word we've chosen for our family for 2009 is "consumed". coincidentally, our church began a new sermon series this week entitled "consumed" that will continue for the next 5/6 weeks.  how great is that!?!  you can visit our church website at to check it out if you're interested or listen to the podcast.  

anyhow, this week we sang a new praise-song entitled "consumed" (again...perfect, huh?).  it's originally sung by the praise band at central christian church in las vegas.  the lyrics are unbelievable and we wanted to share them with you.  we'll be posting these in our home as our prayer as we strive to consume all that God offers to us and to become fully consumed by Him. you can check out the video on youtube if you CLICK HERE!


consume all that i am, 
consume all i will be
now until forever, 
my heart will live for Thee
consume all that i am, 
consume all i will be, 
now until forever, 
my heart will live for Thee

breathe into my soul, 
come and make me whole,
flood Your spirit over me.
burn in me a flame, 
bring glory to Your name
i'll forever sing.  


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our Word

A friend of ours has inspired us to pick a word to encompass a vision for our family in 2009.  What a great way to give us focus and direction daily in such a simple, yet powerful way!  After thinking and praying about a word that truly represents our desires as a family for ‘09, we’ve decided on the word – CONSUMED.  An awesome word, don’t you think?  This word serves much meaning to us as we, as believers, constantly need to be living in the reality of CONSUMING all God has offered to us – for free, not to mention…His Son, salvation, forgiveness, life, a personal relationship with Him, freedom from sin, to name a few.  Living in this world, we so often get CONSUMED by the things of the world, yet what we really should be CONSUMED by is Christ.  If we lived in this reality, we’d all be extraordinarily different people, wouldn’t we?  Our minds would be CONSUMED with only what God desires, not with what “we” desire.  We'd be more concerned with what God thinks and less of what others think.  We’d be more sincere, polite people and less judgmental.  People CONSUMED more with giving, not receiving.  People who feel more compelled to serve and not just be served.  We’d put others before ourselves…always!  What we CONSUMED with our finances, would always be God-honoring.  We’d have more compassion for people on the margins of society.  Heaven would always CONSUME our thoughts (Col. 3:2).  Our minds would be completely transformed!  Wow!  That’s SO what we desire for 2009.  

Here are a couple verses that have been very inspiring to us.  Hopefully they will be a blessing to you too!

“Let heaven fill your thoughts.  Do not think only about things down here on earth.” ~Colossians 3:2

“Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe.  For our God is a CONSUMING fire.” ~Hebrews 12:28-29

So, that’s our word.  We wanted to share this with you in hopes that maybe you may be inspired to do the same.  We can’t wait to begin this journey together as a family! We have a couple songs that are close to our heart and related to being CONSUMED, but we’ll share that in another post.   Blessings to you all!