Saturday, February 28, 2009


meet nathaly. she is the beautiful little girl our family has been sponsoring through compassion international for the past year and a half. she lives in ecuador with her family. over the years, God has wrecked our hearts over children who are overlooked and live on the very edge of survivial in this world.

through our sponsorship of nathaly, it has allowed her to be included within the loving environment of a Christ-centered Compassion child development center, which provides supplemental food, heath services, educational support, love…and a hopeful future. it not only brings joy and hope to a child in need, it also brings so much joy to our family.

we faithfully pray for her and her family on a daily basis. we write to her (and she writes back and colors pictures), send her birthday and christmas gifts, and photographs. she knows that despite the miles between us, that we love and care for her in the same way that Christ loves her. it's so awesome to see that hudson knows her name and all about her. he prays for her and looks at her picture all the time on our refridgerator. it's our prayer that he'll grow up knowing that ALL people matter.

we've always realized (as much as we could comprehend, at least) what a priceless impact this could have on a child, but it wasn't until we met a man named richmond wandera that our eyes were truly opened to the fact that what seems so small to us is actually something that has the potential to change a life...maybe even eternally! he is a man that spoke at our church a couple weeks ago. you must hear his story. please take the time to check it out!

Matthew 25:39 – 41 (The Message)
Then those sheep are going to say, “Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?” Then the King will say, “I’m telling the solemn truth: whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me.”

Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Jesus said,“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

so, why are we sharing all this with you? in hopes that you may consider sponsoring a might just change a whole mulititude of lives. visit compassion international by clicking on the link on our blog to the right.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

photo update

CLICK HERE for a photo update!  enjoy!

Friday, February 13, 2009

mighty to save

take a listen to this song.  it's one of our favorites right now and it fits perfectly with our family word - "consumed" and especially with the theme from the Hope Lives book we just finished reading together. the lyrics are powerful and you can't help but be moved to serve our awesome God of hope. 

here are a few verses that came to mind and seemed to be referenced in the song: 

Zephaniah 3:17 

 17 The LORD your God is with you, 
       he is mighty to save. 
       He will take great delight in you, 
       he will quiet you with his love, 
       he will rejoice over you with singing."

Matthew 17:20-21

 20He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

hope lives

We just finished reading a book together entitled Hope Lives by Amber Schooneveld.  This was an unbelievable and life-transforming read for us (as we believe it would be for anyone who reads it).  It’s always refreshing to be challenged in our faith to become more like Christ and, boy, did this book sure do that! 

The main idea is focused around the fact that our God is a God of hope.  He’s calling each of us on a journey to restoration with Him.  Hope lives, and God is on the move.  It challenges the reader to dig deep down inside to find out why we’re still sitting on the couch (or even in a church), overwhelmed and paralyzed by the enormity of the problems of this world instead of being Christ and taking action…going out and being the church to the world in which we’re living.  It is written with the perspective of restoring hope in the world and being Christ to people on the margins of society.      

The book is broken down in to a 5-week journey and each week challenges the reader in a different area.  Here are some quotes/excerpts to get your head spinning:

*The only thing on this earth that’s eternal is people – the only treasure that doesn’t end when the world does.  People matter.  People are the only treasure worth investing in.

*True Christ-like generosity goes beyond just requirement.  And giving isn’t just about money.  Jesus didn’t have wealth when he walked this earth.  What he gave was attention, dignity, love and respect to people as individual images of God.  When I treat people like that, I’m giving them the greatest gift I have to give.

*”Busy” is our banner.  And I think we’re proud of it.  Think of how Jesus lived.  He had many demands pressing on him from every direction, but he wasn’t busy in the same way we are.  What mattered to Jesus was people – listening to them, loving them and helping them.  He was busy with the slow work of taking time to care for people.  He was never too busy to stop and help someone.

*You are rich.  I’m not speaking metaphorically or spiritually, I mean it: You’re rich.  If you’re reading this book right now [and especially if you’re reading it on a computer] you are most likely among the most financially elite in the work and in history.  If you have clean water, a pair shoes, food, and a safe, dry place to sleep – you are rich.  Richer than billions of others.

*I am simply a human, given a different responsibility and role to play on this earth.  God placed me where I am, and he placed others where they are.  The goal isn’t for others to become like me, a wealthy American.  The goal is simply for everyone to have ENOUGH.  What’s your “enough”? 

*God could certainly run this world without my prayers for those in need, but for some reason, he has given me, given each of us, the great honor of affecting change in this world through prayer.   God doesn’t have to work through prayers to restore this world, but He’s chosen to honor me as his masterpiece created to do good works – how could I not pray?

*If I attach the “good things” I’m supposed to be doing as a Christian as external features, like an additional arm stuck in the side of a Mr. Potato Head, I know it won’t be an authentic, lasting change.  Sure, I might persevere for a short time under the motivation of guilt or obligation or routine…Christ is inviting me instead to be transformed by his love. 

*Not only does God work through prayer to change this world, God works through prayer to change me.  When prayer is an organic part of my life, it will change my heart and spark my actions. Sincere prayer will change my heart.  The Holy Spirit will steadily transform and trade my thoughts for God’s.

*It seems that God’s great agenda for my life isn’t that I take this or that particular action.  It is that I am journeying closer to Christ and becoming more like him.  It’s not about doing something; it’s about being something.  As I become more like Christ and begin to know him more, his love and services are an organic outflow of my life. 

Okay, gotta stop there.  We could go on forever about how great this book is.  If you’re looking for a “good read”, be careful, you’ll get much more than that if you pick this one up – you’ll be transformed into having a whole new understanding of what it means to live like Christ.  Hopefully you’ll consider taking the “journey”.

Monday, February 2, 2009


if you haven't noticed, we (or should I say "I") take a TON of pictures! seriously, it's an addiction! but really, there's nothing better than getting the "perfect" shot, right?!?!  rebekah says the boys probably hear the "clicking" sound of the camera in their sleep!  i truly enjoy capturing every moment...especially knowing that we can look back on them and remember exactly what life was like during these incredible days. they grow up way too fast and we don't want to miss a second!  i seem to be taking a lot more lately so we wanted to share them with you.  

CLICK HERE for the latest picture update.